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本科学位 & 辅修刑事司法


Our world needs well-trained and competent criminal justice professionals who understand our complex legal system and are able to communicate effectively.

Through ladbrokes立博中文版’s undergraduate and bachelor’s in criminal justice programs, gain a comprehensive understanding of the criminal justice process and a broad overview of criminology. BSU的 刑事律政司 提供刑事司法理学学士学位, a BS in criminal justice with a victimology degree concentration and a criminal justice minor.

Our undergraduate and bachelor’s in criminal justice programs put a unique emphasis on social justice and other topics that impact policing, 矫正和法庭系统. 当你获得刑事司法学士学位时, 你将拥有领导的专业知识, protect and serve in this ever-growing and rapidly changing profession.


BSU research symposium with students presenting posters on their research


BSU faculty members take on leading research initiatives involving immigration and crime, 减少帮派暴力和网络犯罪. Whether you pursue Bridgewater’s bachelor’s in criminal justice degree or minor, you will be able to join a research project or pursue one of your own through independent study. 
BSU female student interning with local police department shown at dispatch desk


通过实习获得刑事司法领域的专业知识, 兼职工作或工作见习经验. 与当地合作伙伴关系密切, we connect you to a variety of opportunities that will enhance your studies in criminal justice. Our BS in criminal justice students have interned at probation and police departments, 马萨诸塞州惩教署, 律师事务所, 受害者服务机构等等.
Dr. Mia Ortiz smiling and speaking to a class in front of a white board


As a student in BSU的 bachelor’s degree in criminal justice programs, you will have a faculty adviser who is available to discuss your academic and career path, 计划课程作业, 调查工作前景,帮助你获得学位. You will always have the guidance and support you need to succeed within BSU的 bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and beyond.


BSU的 Criminal Justice Student Organization hosts events and promotes programming that helps advance crime prevention efforts. These experiences give our students in the minor or bachelor’s in criminal justice program a chance to put their knowledge into action and impact communities at local, 州级和国家级.


Our Community Advisory Board brings together leaders in the criminal justice system throughout Southeastern Massachusetts who are strong advocates of BSU的 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program. 这些专业人士——社区活动家, nonprofit leaders and government officials — help criminal justice students with internships, 就业机会和研究追求.


BSU的 刑事律政司 recently added space to help administer cybersecurity training for students in our bachelor’s degree in criminal justice program and professionals throughout Southeastern Massachusetts.


BSU的 继续教育学院 给你最大的灵活性来完成你的学位. The BS in criminal justice program may be taken on Bridgewater’s main campus during the day, 或者你可以在夜间或网上攻读学位. Our night and online programs follow the same requirements and curriculum as our day program, and many of our faculty members teach during the day as well as at night and online.


BSU现在有一个 3 + 3项目 与麻省大学法学院合作. 通过这个加速项目, you may complete your bachelor's degree in criminal justice at Bridgewater and your JD law degree at UMass Law in a total of six years, 而不是通常的七个.


Program courses vary depending on whether you’re taking on the bachelor’s in criminal justice program, pursuing the victimology degree concentration or complementing another degree with a criminal justice minor. Regardless of which Bachelor of Science in criminal justice program you’re in, 获得刑事司法专业人员所需的技能. 在你培养批判性思维和沟通技巧的同时, you’ll also learn how to conceptualize ideas and interpret criminal justice data.

例如, our Restorative Justice Course instructs students — including those seeking the victimology degree concentration — in techniques and related concepts involved in repairing relationships between crime victims and offenders.


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波士顿州立大学让我证明了自己的能力, 同时也是我需要的家外之家. I have conducted research in the field of Criminal Justice under the mentorship of an amazing professor, 我遇到了很棒的人, 我曾经有过(现在仍然有)这么多的机会.”


你是否有兴趣在当地谋个职位, 州或联邦层面, you’ll find that a minor or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from BSU will set you up for professional success. 你可以攻读更高的学位或接受额外的职业培训. Our Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree graduates are working as:

  • 惩教、假释或缓刑官员
  • 犯罪分析师
  • 警察
  • 私家侦探或调查员
  • 缓刑监督官
  • 安全经理

Jobs in criminal justice are expected to continue to grow over the next decade — faster than the national average, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局.

Phillip Rondelli, '17, smiling wearing a white button up shirt with a tan tie. He is holding paperwork with several computer screens in the background


Advance your criminal justice career with a master’s degree or graduate certificate from BSU.

You can further your knowledge by pursuing one of four master’s degrees in criminal justice options:

  • 司法行政
  • 罪行及惩教
  • 恢复性和变革性司法
  • 创伤与受害者研究

如果你还没准备好攻读硕士学位, you can also enhance your bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a graduate certificate in cybercriminology and cybersecurity, 恢复性和变革性的司法, 或者是创伤和受害者研究.